215 Centennial Mall South, Ste 200
Lincoln, Nebraska 68508
© Beyond School Bells Toolkit


Getting Started

Guidance on the process of getting started and moving forward with implementing school-based  afterschool/summer programs.

A Practitioner’s Guide: Building & Managing Quality Afterschool Programs – SEDL

This Guide shares insights about the organizational and management practices that successful afterschool programs use. Practices are organized into four focus areas: program organization, academic programming practices, supportive relationships in afterschool and achieving program outcomes.

Student Recruitment

Thoughtful student recruitment is an essential aspect of successful student programming.  Especially when your initially starting your program, develop a recruitment plan that includes clear messaging, personal invitations, inclusivity and purposeful advertising.

Policies & Procedures

Downloadable and customizable documents and templates for your Afterschool or Summer programs including handbooks, manuals and registrations forms.  Click here to request access to these documents in the form of a Google Doc.

Resources have been developed, researched and tested by Beyond School Bells.