215 Centennial Mall South, Ste 200
Lincoln, Nebraska 68508
© Beyond School Bells Toolkit

BSB Professional Development

Statewide Professional Development

Beyond School Bells, NDE 21st CCLC and Nebraska Extension are partnering to provide FREE regional professional development to afterschool providers.  The in-person and virtual professional development and networking sessions are held across the state in four regional hubs three times throughout the school year (fall, winter and spring). 

The Regional Connections PD will focus on three areas:

  • The essentials of running an afterschool and/or summer program.
  • Fostering identity, purpose and hope for students in afterschool programs.
  • Program partnerships and sustainability.

Visit the BSB website for more information, meeting dates and contact information.

Program Leadership--Words of Advice from Nebraska Directors & Helpful Tips

Innovation Invitational--Annual BSB conference

Visit the BSB website to learn more about this annual gathering of afterschool program directors and stakeholders in Nebraska.  

Resources have been developed, researched and tested by Beyond School Bells.